January 3, 2025
Hello Dear Families and Happy New Year!
The good news is that everything at MMT has been going really well, proving that no news is good news indeed. We do have a request though, please do not block the yellow egress points that are near the back and front entrances. In addition to wheelchairs needing this access our staff also uses them for service carts and garbage cans throughout the entire day. I know parking is tight, but please avoid the yellow. Thank you.
We are having a guest speaker come to Mercy McMahon Terrace! Families and residents are invited to join us to hear Dr. Ehsan Sultani speak about:
This event is not just for people with a family member who has dementia. It will be incredibly informative for anyone engaged in the aging process. Please click here for more details on the topic and to register to attend.
Weekly Call Response Time:
With 2073 total calls our seven day average response time was 2 minutes 59 seconds. We aim for every call to be responded to in 15 minutes or less. Anything longer will be investigated. I’m sure those of you who read this report religiously are noticing that our call volume has decreased a lot lately! This is attributed to our overall levels of resident needed care dropping slightly, our team checking on residents proactively when possible, and less turn-over in our staff resulting in a higher ability to anticipate needs. We are doing well as a community.
Please consider make a financial gift to MMT today by clicking here
Ongoing Reminders/information
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
December 27th, 2024
Hello Dear Families and Happy Friday:
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday with your family and that you are looking forward to the rapidly approaching New Year! Time goes by so quickly.
MMT Staff is Grateful!
A HUGE thank you from all of the Mercy McMahon staff for your generous holiday gift from the resident council. This is a kindness that makes a huge difference to our staff over the holiday season. We all appreciate our residents and our families not just at Christmas, but throughout the entire year! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Starting in mid-January, Alpha One, our emergency response partner, is contracting an apartment from us for their 24 hour crews. One parking space in the back lot will be dedicated to ambulance parking so once the sign goes up please do not park in that space.. An added bonus for us is they will be providing a staff training every month and will also be conducting our quarterly fire drills. This is a huge help to our community to have an ambulance team frequently close by.
We are having a guest speaker come to Mercy McMahon Terrace! Families and residents are invited to join us to hear Dr. Ehsan Sultani speak about:
This event is not just for people with a family member who has dementia. It will be incredibly informative for anyone engaged in the aging process. Please click here for more details on the topic and to register to attend.
Weekly Call Response Time:
With 1897 total calls our seven day average response time was 2 minutes 59 seconds. We aim for every call to be responded to in 15 minutes or less. Anything longer will be investigated.
It’s not too late to make a year-end donation to Mercy McMahon
As the end of the year approaches, please choose Mercy McMahon Terrace as your charity for a year end tax deduction. We need everyone in our community to understand that we are actually a non-profit organization that depends on financial gifts to help us keep our community vibrant and affordable. Thank you for your generosity!
Make a gift today by clicking here
Ongoing Reminders/information
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
December 20th, 2024
Hello Dear Families and Happy Friday:
We are heading into the final weekend before Christmas. MMT has been alive with Christmas tunes and plenty of good cheer. It is always so nice to see you in the community. I feel friendship, love, and support from all of you wonderful family members. As many of you already know by seeing me, I took a big fall a few weeks ago and ended-up in the ED. Five stitches in my lips and 2 chipped teeth later I am recovering and feeling grateful I didn’t break a hip! I think about our dear residents who fall and end up in the ED and realize how quickly circumstances can change. We must enjoy every moment we can and feel the gratitude of life’s gifts.
We are having a guest speaker come to Mercy McMahon Terrace! Families and residents are invited to join us to hear Dr. Ehsan Sultani speak about:
This event is not just for people with a family member who has dementia. It will be incredibly informative for anyone engaged in the aging process. Please click here for more details on the topic and to register to attend.
Weekly Call Response Time:
With 1723 total calls we are experiencing a drop in call traffic. Our average response time is quicker too at 3 minutes 17 seconds. We aim for every call to be responded to in 15 minutes or less. Anything longer will be investigated.
Please consider a cash donation to Mercy McMahon
As the end of the year approaches, please choose Mercy McMahon Terrace as your charity for a year end tax deduction. We need everyone in our community to understand that we are actually a non-profit organization that depends on financial gifts to help us keep our community vibrant and affordable. Thank you for your generosity!
Make a gift today by clicking here
Ongoing Reminders/information
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
November 29, 2024
Hello Dear Families:
I love that old fashioned saying no news is good news!
Nothing new to report at Mercy McMahon Terrace this week. Thanksgiving week is behind us and we are moving into the Christmas holiday season. So much hustle and bustle coming our way and…..
*Time to Sign-up for our Family Christmas Buffet*:
First come first served and we have limited seating choices.
Sunday, December 15 two seatings
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
Click here for Christmas Sign-up Form
I usually end our weekly news bulletin with our 7 day response time report. I’m leading with it this week because it is exceptionally good. As you know, we investigate any call that takes longer than 15 minutes. We do have calls longer than 15 minutes every day, except this week we had five days in a row with no calls to investigate! Our total number of calls was 2347 with an average response of 3 minutes 13 seconds
Weekly Call Response Time:
This past week we responded to 2286 calls with an average response time of 3 minutes 1 second. As our volume of calls has decreased our response times have gotten even quicker. As call volumes go up our response time will too, but as always we aim for every call to be responded to in 15 minutes or less. Anything longer will be investigated.
Ongoing Reminders/information
Please consider a cash donation to Mercy McMahon
As the end of the year approaches, please choose Mercy McMahon Terrace as your charity for a year end tax deduction. We need everyone in our community to understand that we are actually a non-profit organization that depends on financial gifts to help us keep our community vibrant. Thank you for your generosity!
Make a gift today by clicking here
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
November 22, 2024
Hello Dear Families:
I truly want to thank all of you for the love and support you have shown me this week. I am a much sadder version of myself, but the outpouring of love has been so beautiful. Thank you all for the hugs, flowers, cards and heartfelt messages.
I usually end our weekly news bulletin with our 7 day response time report. I’m leading with it this week because it is exceptionally good. As you know, we investigate any call that takes longer than 15 minutes. We do have calls longer than 15 minutes every day, except this week we had five days in a row with no calls to investigate! Our total number of calls was 2347 with an average response of 3 minutes 13 seconds
*Time to Sign-up for our Family Christmas Buffet*:
First come first served and we have limited seating choices.
Sunday, December 15 two seatings
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
Click here for Christmas Sign-up Form
Chapel Renovations
The diocese is currently reviewing our remodel plans for the chapel and we have decided to wait until after the holidays to begin the project. Once we start, chapel services will be temporarily relocated to the family room until project completions. We are allocating the two parking places next to the handicap parking space for onsite construction workers. Do not move the orange cones please. This will only be for several weeks so thank you for your cooperation and support. You are also allowed to park in our spaces in the back of the building with the diagonal lines.
Ongoing Reminders/information
As the end of the year approaches, please choose Mercy McMahon Terrace as your charity for a year end tax deduction. We need everyone in our community to understand that we are actually a non-profit organization that depends on financial gifts to help us keep our community vibrant. Thank you for your generosity!
Make a gift today by clicking here
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
October 31, 2024
Happy Halloween MMT Families!
I will be out tomorrow and all next week so Thursday greetings this week. Giam, our Director of Care, will be in charge while I am out of the community. We are fortunate to have such a wonderful management team at MMT.
Chapel Renovations
We will begin our chapel renovations in the next few weeks. Chapel services will be temporarily relocated to the family room during this project. We are allocating the two parking places next to the handicap parking space for onsite construction workers. Do not move the orange cones please. This will only be for several weeks so thank you for your cooperation and support. You are also allowed to park in our spaces in the back of the building with the diagonal lines.
Ongoing Reminders/information
Time to start thinking about our holiday brunch opportunities:
Sunday, November 24 two seatings
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
Click here for Thanksgiving Sign-up Form
Sunday, December 15 two seatings
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
Click here for Christmas Sign-up Form
Weekly Response Time (resident call buttons)
We have been having some technical issues with our call system over the past few days which has caused some slower response times. Our service technician has been onsite and has resolved the challenges. 2699 calls this past week with an average response time of 4 minutes 46 seconds.
As the end of the year approaches, please choose Mercy McMahon Terrace as your charity for a year end tax deduction. We need everyone in our community to understand that we are actually a non-profit organization that depends on financial gifts to help us keep our community vibrant. Thank you for your generosity!
Make a gift today by clicking here
Enjoy your weekend!
Warmest Regards- Mary Erickson
Please Consider Making a Financial Gift to MMT
Mercy McMahon Terrace is a non-profit organization that relies on charitable gifts for improvements and to keep pricing affordable. Our community is grateful for the support we receive.
Make a gift today by clicking here
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